
The start-up approached us to design and implement the MVP app for their solution to help pet owners. We used web apps, utilizing Ionic - the beautiful open source mobile SDK for developing native and progressive web apps with ease.

Dogs suffer from similar lifestyle related illnesses as we humans do. Some dogs suffer from inactivity while others spend most of their time in agility training.

With an activity collar and a mobile application the pet owner can balance the pet's activity and calorie intake, set short and long-term goals and share activity & achievements with friends, and when needed, with a vet.

The goal for application was to translate the dog's activity into easily understandable information. It should motivate to improve dogs wellbeing and offer vast sharing possibilities for the proud pet owner.

Lean UX

We were involved right from the start; the innovation phases of UX.

Prototypes on real devices enabled rapid iteration of early ideas.

Validate early and often

The MVP enabled testing early on in the project:

  • Calories consumption
  • Activity in relation to various goals
  • Time spent idle, walking and running
  • Detailed activity levels during night and day
  • Messaging with VET
  • Easy input and monitoring of medication
  • Easy set up of activity and nutrition goals
  • Easy input and monitoring of meals and calories
  • Social elements and sharing with Facebook and Twitter