About us


Since our inception in 2017, we have worked with some of the top companies, including  Kempower, Sandvik, Caverion, Kemppi, and Aqsens. We are proud to have helped them in their digital transformation.

Reimagine your business

Use digital technologies to create new business models, processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is Digital Transformation.

Your Digital Transformation Partner

At Goodhum, we help companies transform their businesses strategically, not just one web or mobile app at a time.  We consult the possibilities of new technology, and facilitate customer-driven business innovation projects. We then focus on the customer experience (CX) and the user experience (UX), working with companies to engage the customer by providing them a coherent, seamless, user-friendly flow of experiences across all digital interfaces.